Many time you faced that creepy situation when you’re swimming at some pool or doing something different and your lovely smartphone takes a deep dip in the drink. Well, there’s a chance you can save it from getting dull but only if you do it quickly. Here’re some steps that you should follow while dropping phone in water.
  • Catch it!
Whenever your phone is drop into water, the quick thing is to catch it. The
Longer your handset take a bath, the more chances created of ruin it.
  • Turn your phone off
After grab it, if your handset is still on, turn it off immediately. If your Handset’s screen was blank and you’re not sure about whether it’s on or off, quickly press the power button if you can. If the phone wake up, shut it down quickly, if it doesn’t wake up just keep it off.
  • Dry it
Now if you turn off your phone, you’ll have to dry it off on urgent basis. If the phone has removable battery or SD card, take them out. Also, if your phone has some sort of port cover or removable back cover, open it quickly and dry your phone.
  • Only Dry not Blow-dry
Do not put your handset in front of blow drier for drying. The heat from the drier could seriously damage your handset’s internal parts. Never put your handset into oven or freezer, both techniques can ruined your handset.


  • Put it in Rice or silica
You just dry your phone from outside, now to dry it from inside just take a bowl filled with uncooked rice and bury your handset in it. The rice will absorb all moisture trapped inside your handset.
You can also dry your phone via silica. Just fill a bag with silica packets (those packets you find inside shoe box) and put your phone into it. Silica will sucks up moisture.
  • Turn On & Test
Now after drying, turn your phone on and test it to make sure whether it works or not; if it doesn’t work, get it charged and then let it turn on. After getting charged turn it on, if it does then you’re at good but if it doesn’t you have bad luck.
  • Clean it
If the above step doesn’t work at all, this step is final to safe your phone. Take your phone, uncover it down to the circuit board, wet a toothbrush with maximum 90% alcohol and gently rinse your phone via brush. Just keep in mind, excessive use of alcohol could dissolve the inside glue of phone that might cause vulnerable damages.


  • Get Insurance of Phone
If your phone doesn’t work, recycle it or sell it to another one. When you get your new handset, invest some money to get accidental insurance of phone, so that if your phone gets drop in water or doesn’t work, you’ll be able to get another.

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